Please Note: Due to more engines blocking their search results, the CEOExpress Clustering Engine has been discontinued.
We suggest you use Vivisimo or Clusty as they output very similiar results.
You now have the ability to change the default search engine on your CEOExpress homepage to any of the engines listed below. Simply choose the engine you want to use, then be sure to click 'Update' to save your change.
Set your default search engine:
(These can also be found on the 'Reference' dropdown)

  Ask Jeeves
  Vivisimo  *This is similar to the CEOExpress Clustering Engine
  Clusty  *This is similar to the CEOExpress Clustering Engine

You can also search numerous sites using our Command Cheat Sheet – from Stock Quotes, to Movie Times, to Package Tracking and more. And now, you can search CEOExpress links as well. You can do all this from the Advanced Multi-Search page, or right on your CEOExpress desktop.

Set your search bar color:
  Random (For those who live on the edge)
      Include Special and Holiday Themes in the random suffle
  CEOExpress Blue and Gold

Enter a home zip code:  
* This zip code will be used for engines that you would use locally, such as movie listings.

Searches open in new window:

Remember my searches:  
Manage my History (Delete search items here)

Number of items to keep in history:  
*Please note: Depending on the speed of your computer, your browser's performance
  while using Multi-Search may be affected by storing a lot of items in your history.

Include links to search my query through all default engines:

Time Zone Clocks:
*Please note: For this to work properly, your computer clock and time zone must be set correctly.

Choose up to Four Time Zones:

North America

Hawaiian Time Zone

Alaska Standard Time

Pacific Standard Time
  Las Vegas
  Los Angeles
  San Francisco

Mountain Standard Time
  Salt Lake City

Central Standard Time
  New Orleans
  Saint Louis

Eastern Standard Time
  Burlington, VT*
  New York
  Washington, DC
South America

  Buenos Aires


  Rio de Janeiro




  Cape Town






Middle East





  New Delhi
* India Time Zone


  Hong Kong



* Patricia's home town!

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Did we miss a search engine? Let us know.