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Fox NewsJun 17, 2024
Trump pulls away from Biden in one-time swing state: poll
Former President Donald Trump holds an 18-point lead over President Biden in Iowa, according to a new poll in a one-time crucial general election battleground state that Barack Obama won twice

Biden's campaign announces a $50 million advertising blitz highlighting Trump's conviction (Chicago Tribune)

Fox NewsJun 17, 2024
Putin to visit Kim Jong Un as military cooperation between Russia and North Korea increases
Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Tuesday as both countries intensify their opposition to the United States.

Putin to Visit North Korea and Meet With Kim Jong-un (New York Times - Front Page)

Fox NewsJun 17, 2024
Obama pleads with digital influencers to back Biden: 'You may not agree with everything he does'
Former President Obama told influencers they may not agree with President Biden all the time but needed to use their platforms to support him regardless.

Fox NewsJun 17, 2024
'Greatest threat': Top former Kamala Harris aide reveals which Trump VP pick could sink her candidacy
A former communications director for Vice President Harris said GOP Sen. JD Vance is "super smart" and poses the "greatest threat" to her vice presidency in 2024.

LA Times National NewsJun 15, 2024
Biden, Obama raise more than $30 million at glitzy L.A. event
President Biden joins former President Obama, George Clooney and Julia Roberts at star-studded fundraiser in L.A. that raises more than $30 million.

LA Times National NewsJun 12, 2024
Zelensky to Europe: A Russian victory in Ukraine would lead to the unthinkable
Ukrainian President Zelensky is all over Europe. His message? Ukraine's war with Putin is Europe's fight, too — the consequences of a Russian win unthinkable.

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