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Drudge ReportJun 15, 2024
Trump, Biden, CNN Prep for Hostile Debate (With Muted Mics)...

(Top headline, 2nd story, link) Related stories:
The dread election: Share of 'double haters' hits historic high...

Politics - U.S. HouseJun 14, 2024
J.D. Vance on Where He'd Take the Republican Party
In a long conversation, the first-term senator from Ohio talks about Trump, populism, the 2020 election, Ukraine and the Republican V.P. slot.

The Daily BeastJun 14, 2024
Opinion: Supreme Court Abortion Pill Ruling Is No Victory for Women's Rights
Evelyn Hockstein/ReutersTo borrow a phrase, the import of the Supreme Court's unanimous decision preserving access to an abortion pill is akin to a "tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Handed down amidst the tempest over Justice Alito's wife Martha-Ann's habit of flying politically loaded flags at their houses while he rules on politically loaded cases, and further revelations of Justice Thomas friends-with-hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars-worth-of-benefits relationship to billionaire conservative Harlan Crow, the case could be seen as an attempt to show the high court can still act with unity even on so-called "liberal causes."

One could even speculate that Chief Justice John Roberts managed to persuade his charges to throw a bone to the left in preparation for a yet-to-come decision on Trump's plea for presidential immunity that will at the very least punt any possibility that Special Counsel Jack Smith can try the Ja.n 6 case before the 2024 election.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

The Daily BeastJun 13, 2024
Opinion: Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime—and the GOP Cheers
Evelyn Hockstein/ReutersIt is not easy to go from betraying a state to being welcomed back into its capital.

Jefferson Davis avoided Washington, DC after the Civil War. It took until 1978 for him to have his citizenship restored by the US Congress.

Hitler realized that after the Beer Hall Putsch in November 1923 that if he was ever to gain power in Germany he would have to do so via elections. After his release from prison, he worked to make his party palatable to the public but did not achieve major success until elections seven years after his failed coup attempt. He did not become chancellor, officially accepted again among Germany's political leaders, until fully a decade after he attempted to overthrow his government.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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