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Foreign Policy
Jul 26, 2024

Arson Attacks Hit French Railways Ahead of Paris Olympics
The coordinated effort exposed security gaps ahead of the Games' opening ceremony.

Foreign Policy
Jul 26, 2024

Is Russia Trying to Poison Finland's Water?
Break-ins at water treatment plants are a prime example of gray-zone aggression. The Finns may never know who did it, but they must resist succumbing to fear.

Foreign Policy
Jul 26, 2024

The Kamala Harris Doctrine
Everything we know about the presumptive Democratic nominee's foreign-policy views.

Foreign Policy
Jul 26, 2024

Ukraine's Other Problem: Spiraling Debt
Loans from the IMF, Western governments, and private investors are coming due.

Foreign Policy
Jul 26, 2024

Militaries Can't Transition to Renewable Energy
For now, fossil fuel use will rise—but the defense sector can lead innovation into the next generation of low-carbon sources.

Foreign Policy
Jul 26, 2024

Is Vietnam's Hard-Line Leader's Death the End of an Era?
Nguyen Phu Trong left a complex legacy of purges and reform.

Foreign Policy
Jul 26, 2024

Europe Is in Danger of Regulating Its Tech Market Out of Existence
Poorly designed laws are forcing global firms to leave.

Foreign Policy
Jul 26, 2024

Bolivia's Busy Month
After a failed putsch, the country's economic fortunes may be looking up.

Foreign Policy
Jul 26, 2024

Why Do American Presidential Campaigns Have to Be So Long?
With "only" about three months to win, Kamala Harris might prove a shorter election period is healthier for the democracy.

Foreign Policy
Jul 25, 2024

Typhoon Gaemi Devastates the Indo-Pacific
The region's worst typhoon this season leaves mass flooding, shipwrecks, and a potentially devastating oil spill in its wake.

Foreign Policy
Jul 25, 2024

The Best Summer Reads for National Security Nerds
The geopolitics of Formula 1, daring women journalists of the Vietnam War, and other page-turners for the beach.

Foreign Policy
Jul 25, 2024

What Netanyahu Got From His Speech in Congress
The Israeli leader defended the war in Gaza, but his visit was overshadowed by U.S. politics.

Foreign Policy
Jul 24, 2024

Empty Seats Outshine Netanyahu's Address to U.S. Congress
Roughly half of House and Senate Democrats boycotted the speech as protesters in Washington denounced the Israeli leader's visit.

Foreign Policy
Jul 24, 2024

Protests Undermine Bangladesh PM
Violent demonstrations have shattered Sheikh Hasina's aura of invincibility.

Foreign Policy
Jul 24, 2024

Biden's Last Chance at Climate Diplomacy With China
Negotiations are expected to occur in a few weeks with a focus on super-pollutants.

Foreign Policy
Jul 24, 2024

The Trump/Vance Unilateralist Delusion
The Republican ticket has unified—around a fundamentally unrealistic foreign policy.

Foreign Policy
Jul 24, 2024

Now Trump Is the One With the Age Problem
The former president's health and mental acuity haven't received nearly enough scrutiny.

Foreign Policy
Jul 24, 2024

Harris Candidacy Gives Democrats a Chance to Pivot on Gaza
What she can do to right U.S. foreign policy and bring back voters.

Foreign Policy
Jul 24, 2024

How Platon Photographs Power
The British artist and provocateur on the stories behind the world's most influential people.

Foreign Policy
Jul 24, 2024

Will Conflict in Congo Spread?
The country's neighbors have a history of violent meddling. Other African leaders may need to step up to keep the peace.

Foreign Policy
Jul 24, 2024

Solving the China Challenge in Mexico
The United States should make its southern neighbor not just a large trading partner, but also a truly strategic one.

Foreign Policy
Jul 24, 2024

Netanyahu Speech Sharpens Democrats' Israel Divide
Some Democratic lawmakers plan to boycott the Israeli leader's address to Congress.

Foreign Policy
Jul 23, 2024

Kamala Harris Moves to Clinch Democratic Nomination
The U.S. vice president has secured enough pledged support from delegates to win August nomination vote.

Foreign Policy
Jul 23, 2024

The Deep Roots of Bangladesh's Crisis
How protests against a quota system turned into an uprising against Sheikh Hasina's government.

Foreign Policy
Jul 23, 2024

China Tries to Play Power Broker Among Palestinians
But experts say the Hamas-Fatah unity agreement Beijing brokered is unlikely to succeed.

Foreign Policy
Jul 23, 2024

Why Xi Won't Retire
Biden's withdrawal from the U.S. presidential race may have hit a nerve in China.

Foreign Policy
Jul 23, 2024

China's Leaders Just Held a Third Plenum. So What?
How to decode the esoterica of Chinese political meetings.

Foreign Policy
Jul 23, 2024

NATO Grapples With a New Long Game Against Putin
Western allies must find a way to deal with a Moscow likely to remain hostile for the foreseeable future.

Foreign Policy
Jul 23, 2024

China and the U.S. Are Careening Toward a South China Sea Crisis
A failure of deterrence risks pushing the region into deeper conflict.

Foreign Policy
Jul 23, 2024

The U.S. Should Negotiate With Iran on One Issue Right Now
Revisiting the nuclear deal is unlikely before November, but Washington and Iran's new president must seek to defuse Israel-Hezbollah tensions.

Foreign Policy
Jul 23, 2024

Chinese Migrants Aren't an Invading Army
Myths about "military-aged men" distract from a soft-power opportunity.

Foreign Policy
Jul 23, 2024

The Threat Against the Paris Games
The choice of the Olympics as a target follows the logic of terrorism itself.

Foreign Policy
Jul 23, 2024

Netanyahu's Address to Congress Is a Campaign Rally
Republicans want to help him out—but Democratic lawmakers don't need to provide the crowd.

Foreign Policy
Jul 22, 2024

How the World Is Reacting to Biden Ending His Reelection Bid
Many U.S. allies expressed gratitude for the president's friendship and support.

Foreign Policy
Jul 22, 2024

U.S. Works to Revamp Peace Process for War-Torn Sudan
The Biden administration is arranging high-level talks next month aimed at ending the deadly war.

Foreign Policy
Jul 22, 2024

How a Harris Administration Would Steer the Economy
The vice president's influences stretch from Howard University to Silicon Valley.

Foreign Policy
Jul 22, 2024

How Harris Found Her Foreign-Policy Footing
A good vice president has to be the ultimate staffer.

Foreign Policy
Jul 21, 2024

Biden's Legacy Depends on What Happens Next
The U.S. president leaves behind an enviable list of accomplishments after one term. But Trump could destroy a lot of it.

Foreign Policy
Jul 21, 2024

Biden Is Passing the Torch
Democrats can make this a decisive moment in their own trajectory and that of U.S. democracy.

Foreign Policy
Jul 21, 2024

Biden Steps Aside, Endorses Harris, Upending Race for White House
The historic decision is sending shockwaves through the Democratic Party ahead of the November election.

Foreign Policy
Jul 20, 2024

Streaming Films to Cure Your Olympic Fever
From awe-inspiring documentaries to a figure skating melodrama.

Foreign Policy
Jul 20, 2024

The Hidden Trade-Offs of Climate Policy
Today's green dogmas cannot give us an energy transition that is fast, just, and sustainable—all at the same time.

Foreign Policy
Jul 20, 2024

The Hidden Tradeoffs of Climate Policy
Today's green dogmas cannot give us an energy transition that is fast, just, and sustainable—all at the same time.

Foreign Policy
Jul 20, 2024

The Olympics Have a Dirty History—Literally
But a green sports movement is pushing for change, eager to see if Paris will be different.

Foreign Policy
Jul 20, 2024

The Hidden History of China's Post Office
What the making of a national mail system reveals about the country's push for modernization.

Foreign Policy
Jul 19, 2024

Venezuela's Strongman Could Actually Lose
Maduro's grip on power once seemed unshakable. But ahead of July 28 elections, the opposition is gaining momentum.

Foreign Policy
Jul 19, 2024

Global Tech Outage Wreaks Havoc
The disruption underscores just how reliant much of the world is on key software providers.

Foreign Policy
Jul 19, 2024

What in the World?
Test yourself on the week of July 13: Trump survives an assassination attempt, Pakistan weighs a ban on a popular party, and Rwanda votes.

Foreign Policy
Jul 19, 2024

The Irrelevance of J.D. Vance to U.S. Foreign Policy
Vice presidents can have plenty of responsibilities—but shaping strategy usually isn't one of them.

Foreign Policy
Jul 19, 2024

How Trump's Conservative Populism Divides CEOs
His corporate backers come mostly from Silicon Valley.

Foreign Policy
Jul 19, 2024

Will an Assassination Attempt and VP Announcement Help Trump Win?
As more analysts predict a GOP victory, the prospect of a Trump-Vance administration has worried many U.S. allies.

Foreign Policy
Jul 19, 2024

China's Nuclear Taboo Isn't as Strong as It Seems
New research casts doubt on a long-standing theory.

Foreign Policy
Jul 19, 2024

GOP Platform Jolts Latin America
Trump has generally shunned global engagement. But he and J.D. Vance have a lot of plans for the region.

Foreign Policy
Jul 19, 2024

Who Will Fill Europe's Leadership Vacuum?
Paris is cheap and Berlin has no strategy. For serious leadership, look to Warsaw.

Foreign Policy
Jul 19, 2024

Israel Is Stuck in the Year 2000
The country's relationship with Lebanon hasn't moved beyond decades-old dilemmas.

Foreign Policy
Jul 18, 2024

What's Behind Bangladesh's Student Protests?
The country is confronting some of its most violent unrest in years over a controversial job quota system.

Foreign Policy
Jul 18, 2024

Trump's VP Pick Goes America First on Foreign Policy
And the choice of J.D. Vance is causing panic among Ukrainians, Europeans, and traditional Republicans.

Foreign Policy
Jul 18, 2024

Into the Minds of China's Military AI Experts
Beijing faces challenges in deploying new technology.

Foreign Policy
Jul 18, 2024

Russian Oil Is Still Paying for Putin's War
After initial success, Western energy sanctions are stalling out.

Foreign Policy
Jul 18, 2024

How Singapore Manages U.S.-China Tensions
The city-state's defense minister decodes what Beijing and Washington want in Asia.

Foreign Policy
Jul 18, 2024

Another Uprising Has Started in Syria
Years after the country's civil war supposedly ended, Assad's control is again coming apart.

Foreign Policy
Jul 18, 2024

A Uniquely Perilous Moment in U.S. Politics
After the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, so-called "accelerationists" will look to spark a broader conflagration.

Foreign Policy
Jul 17, 2024

Pakistan Is Trying to Ban Imran Khan's Party. Will That Spark a Political Crisis?
A new judiciary-military rift threatens to further destabilize the country.

Foreign Policy
Jul 17, 2024

Keir Starmer Unveils Vision for Britain's Future
After 14 years of Conservative control, what's next for the United Kingdom?

Foreign Policy
Jul 17, 2024

Trump Is Giving Taiwan the Ukraine Treatment
Trump's transactional approach to Taiwan sets him apart from the China hawks advising him.

Foreign Policy
Jul 17, 2024

‘Our Last-Ditch Pitch': Nervous U.S. Allies Put Boots on Ground at RNC
Europe's diplomatic heavyweights are flocking to Milwaukee to court Trump's party.

Foreign Policy
Jul 17, 2024

What America Can Learn From an Attempted Assassination in Brazil
Leaders must push back against the curtailment of political debate in the wake of tragedy.

Foreign Policy
Jul 17, 2024

How the West Misunderstood Moscow in Ukraine
Ten years ago, Russia's first invasion failed to wake up a bamboozled West. The reasons are still relevant today.

Foreign Policy
Jul 17, 2024

Britain's Tories Need to Avoid Farage's Siren Song
Swinging to the far right won't help the party recover from a harsh election defeat.

Foreign Policy
Jul 17, 2024

Whose Terms Will Set a Peace Deal in Ukraine?
The war is unlikely to end in total victory for either Moscow or Kyiv.

Foreign Policy
Jul 17, 2024

Ukraine Goes All-In on Ground Robots
The goal is to save more human lives.

Foreign Policy
Jul 17, 2024

Protecting LGBTQI Rights Is Good Foreign Policy
The United States has both a moral and strategic imperative to fight for equality globally.

Foreign Policy
Jul 17, 2024

Paul Kagame Isn't Going Anywhere
Rwanda's forever president wins again in a mostly uncontested election.

Foreign Policy
Jul 16, 2024

IMF Warns of Mounting Debt, High Inflation in the West
Emerging Asian economies now account for nearly half of the world's economic growth.

Foreign Policy
Jul 16, 2024

China's Third Plenum, Explained
The econ-focused event is rife with buzzwords and Xi propaganda. Less so with substantive reform.

Foreign Policy
Jul 16, 2024

Stop Wasting Captured Spies
Russian and Chinese agents should be prosecuted, not expelled.

Foreign Policy
Jul 16, 2024

Britain Needs a New Middle East Policy
The new U.K. government shouldn't only pursue a reset with Europe, it also needs to mend its ties throughout the Arab world.

Foreign Policy
Jul 16, 2024

It's Time to Sideline Israel from International Sports
A boycott of Israeli soccer could accomplish what other BDS efforts have failed to do: dent the country's own sense of legitimacy.

Foreign Policy
Jul 16, 2024

Russia Is Using Lawsuits to Fight the West's Sanctions
Ukraine is currently on the losing side of the new legal front in the West's economic war.

Foreign Policy
Jul 16, 2024

Modi's China Bind
India is becoming more dependent on China economically, but the prime minister's base demands a hardline approach.

Foreign Policy
Jul 16, 2024

Asian Powers Have Their Strategic Sights Set on Europe
After 500 years, the tables have turned, with an incoherent Europe the object of rising Asia's geopolitical ambitions.

Foreign Policy
Jul 16, 2024

Asian Powers Set Their Strategic Sights on Europe
After 500 years, the tables have turned, with an incoherent Europe the object of rising Asia's geopolitical ambitions.

Foreign Policy
Jul 16, 2024

Can Starmer Fix Britain's Economy Without Big Policy Changes?
The new prime minister has ruled out raising taxes for most people or rejoining the EU.

Foreign Policy
Jul 15, 2024

Trump Shooting Inspires Republican Unity at Party Convention
The former U.S. president named Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance as his new running mate and celebrated a major legal win regarding a classified documents case.

Foreign Policy
Jul 15, 2024

Europe Fears Trump Shooting Could Deepen America's Political Crisis
Officials expressed anxiety over the health of U.S. democracy after the assassination attempt.

Foreign Policy
Jul 15, 2024

Anti-Terrorism Laws Are Being Used Against Environmentalists
Governments from Manila to Atlanta are targeting climate activists.

Foreign Policy
Jul 15, 2024

Are Assassination Attempts on the Rise?
The attempt on Donald Trump's life may be part of a broader global pattern.

Foreign Policy
Jul 15, 2024

America is Stuck in a Century-Old Immigration Debate
Restricting immigration to appease domestic political grievances is likely to backfire—again.

Foreign Policy
Jul 15, 2024

Russians Expect Nothing From Putin's War
Political apathy is a psychological survival mechanism—and a possible route to peace.

Foreign Policy
Jul 15, 2024

Myanmar's Armed Groups And Democracy Activists Are Joining Forces
Under junta rule, an uneasy alliance is taking over the country's politics.

Foreign Policy
Jul 15, 2024

For Putin, the EU Is a Bigger Threat Than NATO
The Kremlin fears the EU's ability to spur deep political change.

Foreign Policy
Jul 15, 2024

The Winners From U.S.-China Decoupling
From Malaysia to Mexico, some countries are gearing up to benefit from economic fragmentation.

Foreign Policy
Jul 15, 2024

Countering Europe's Backlash to the Green Transition
A sustainable future is still possible—even amidst a radically altered political climate.

Foreign Policy
Jul 14, 2024

This Is America, Too
The United States has many wonderful characteristics, but the attempt to kill Donald Trump is a reminder that violence has always been embedded in American culture.

Foreign Policy
Jul 14, 2024

When It Comes to Political Violence, America Is Not Exceptional
The attempt to kill Donald Trump should be a chilling reminder of how easy it is to trigger a lethal U.S. tradition.

Foreign Policy
Jul 14, 2024

How Putin's War Is Transforming Ukraine's Neighbors
Moscow has tightened its grip in Eastern and Central Europe.

Foreign Policy
Jul 14, 2024

America's Democracy Was Never That Healthy
Since its founding, the country has been in a perpetual state of division.

Foreign Policy
Jul 14, 2024

‘Amadeus,' Back in Theaters, Is a Perfect Film
Poignant, entertaining, and bitchy, who cares that its central conflict is almost entirely made up?

Foreign Policy
Jul 13, 2024

Foreign Policy's Summer Reading List
Our columnists and reporters' top picks, from a history of China's tattooed soldiers to an ambitious modern epic.

Foreign Policy
Jul 13, 2024

In ‘Caledonian Road,' the U.K. Is Living on Thin Ice
A sweeping state-of-the-nation novel fails to convince the reader.

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